Commentary: Trump Is Still Fighting, Don’t You Give Up

by Karin McQuillan


We knew we would win and that the Democrats would attempt to steal the election by large-scale voter fraud. President Trump foresaw this danger and began fundraising and hiring a team of litigators months ago, preparing for a legal battle royale. I spent almost an hour on the phone with the head of the GOP litigation team this fall—the Trump team had already raised a huge war chest, and were positioning themselves legally for victory by pre-emptive strikes in the courts.

Conservatives have little trust in the courts to save us. We have seen that Supreme Court Justice John Roberts wants to protect the institution of the court more than he wants to protect America. He believes in appeasing the elite more than he believes in the constitution. Will the Court stand up for us this time?

Few conservatives want to bet our country on that one shot.

The media has declared Joe Biden president of the United States, as if we choose presidents by acclamation of the mob. This is psyops and the target is the Supreme Court, which won’t like the appearance of overturning the election.

It is up to us, the people who actually had the majority of votes, to make our voices heard loudly and clearly. We will not accept fraud stealing our votes.

We must make the public pressure to fight fraud even bigger than the media and social media pressure to hand an unearned victory to Biden-Harris.

The key is where to exert that public pressure. It is not on social media. It is not by whining to your friends about how depressed and angry you are.

It is a simple, old fashioned answer: Use the democracy we still have.

One Powerful Weapon

We have one very powerful weapon. It is the federal system. The cheating took place on a county level. It can be fought at the state level. This is where ordinary voters can make a difference.

We can and we must supply the backbone to legislators in the cheating states. Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Arizona, Georgia, and North Carolina all have Republican majorities in their statehouses. Those legislators have the power to vote that invalid ballots be rejected en masse if they were collected in defiance of the law. They have the power to insist that votes tabulated (and perhaps switched) with faulty voting software be recounted. They even have the power to insist that counties irredeemably tainted by fraud hold a do-over election. According to one reading of the Constitution, it is the state legislators who have the ultimate power and the responsibility to choose the electors who will vote for president in the Electoral College.

Paterson, New Jersey held a second election this year after 20 percent of the initial votes were found to be fraudulent. That was for town council. The role of president is a bit more important. It is not too much for legislatures to insist on an honest re-do in dishonest counties.

That is the lever for Trump voters to pull if they live in those cheating states: call your state legislators, demonstrate, mobilize your neighbors. Insist on a fair application of the law or a recount. Those legislators need a backbone. The people can give it to them.

We can win this on the state level.

And we must win it. We cannot afford to be discouraged before the last battle.

What’s at Stake?

The Democrats’ policies will be economic and social disasters. China will eat our factories. Families stressed to the limit will find their jobs do not return, their taxes will go up, and the price of gasoline will explode.

The woke will wreak havoc. There will be race war in America everywhere you turn. Anti-Semitism will be mainstreamed.

War will return to the Middle East. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have pledged to open the spigots to immigration from jihadi countries. Terrorist attacks in our country will return.

America will be a nation with millions of people walking around with a serious case of voters’ remorse. It is small consolation that Biden and Harris will inherit the COVID-19 disaster they made worse in order to destroy Trump. We will all sink with them, as they make every problem worse. Think of COVID-19 with open borders, flooding our country with sick foreigners.

Nightmare scenario: we might not get a shot at an honest election again. If they get away with this one, cheating will be thoroughly practiced and institutionalized by 2022.

My worst fear—before the next election Biden-Harris will have granted amnesty by executive order, with no push back from a complicit Justice Department. Once they flood the voting rolls with 20 million former illegal aliens, our two-party system will be turned into an authoritarian one-party state.

These are very grave times. But in grave times, you do not have the luxury to indulge in despair.  Despair will have its own day. Possibly in the near future, but not yet. This is still the time to fight and fight with everything we’ve got.

President Trump, Donald Trump, Jr., our wonderful veteran congressmen and senators, and the Freedom Caucus, will all be fighting for us, today and every day going forward.

George Washington lost every battle in the Revolutionary War until the last one.

This is not our last battle.

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Karin McQuillan served in the Peace Corps in West Africa, was a clinical social worker and psychotherapist, and is now a writer and regular contributor to American Thinker and American Greatness.








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4 Thoughts to “Commentary: Trump Is Still Fighting, Don’t You Give Up”

  1. American Thinker

    You all know this is complete bullshit, right?

  2. Stephanie Anold

    Beautifully written!

  3. LM

    The fight has just begun no matter who ends up as president. I believe that is why President Trump is making the changes in the Pentagon – in case the fraudulent voting is recognized by the courts and the Electoral College and he is ( hopefully) re-elected. We have to be ready for a big civil upheaval either way.

  4. 83ragtop50

    The fight has only just begun. The real fight will start if and when the loser Biden is sworn in.
